If you own a dog, like 60% of Americans, then you know what real happiness is. But before you get to the good stuff -- cuddles, kisses, long walks -- you have to deal with the difficult stuff -- potty training.
Housebreaking a puppy is a major issue. In fact, nearly 25% of dogs in shelters were given up for adoption due to problems with potty training.
When you're bringing your new friend home, you both need to feel comfortable, clean, and safe. Here are five tips on how to potty train your dog that are going to make a big difference!

1) Have a Den for Your Puppy
Crate training is an important tool for housebreaking a puppy because they won't pee where they sleep and eat. Not only that, it helps if you ever need to travel with your dog or board them in a kennel.
Make sure they can turn around and lie down comfortably inside. Give them soft blankets and beds to sleep on and toys to play with.
Remember -- don't keep them in the crate too long or they'll have an accident. If that happens, that's your fault, not theirs.
2) Keep an Eye on Them
Your puppy will tell you when they need to go. Although it would be convenient if they spoke in human languages, we have to learn to speak puppy.
Learn how to recognize when they want to go out. Usually, they'll whine, circle around, paw at the door, or sniff around.
You can use a leash inside the house so that they're never out of your sight.
3) Clean Up Thoroughly
Accidents happen. When your puppy has one, make sure to clean up after them thoroughly.
Even if you can't smell the mess anymore, your puppy can and will think this is where they should go. Use an enzymatic cleaner to ensure there are no more odors.
4) Positive Reinforcement
When accidents happen, don't punish your puppy. They don't understand what they did wrong because too much time has passed between the action and the consequence.
Reward when they go outside, exactly when they're doing it. That's how to train your dog to potty outside the right way.
5) Set a Schedule
Don't make your dog guess when it's time to go. Keep to a schedule so that they know a potty break is coming up soon.
Keeping your pup on a schedule for all things -- feeding, sleeping, etc. -- will make you both very happy.
Whatever you do, don't be tempted to use puppy pads. They seem easy but you'll have to learn how to re-potty train your dog after using them.
How to Potty Train Your Dog -- The Easy Way!
Now you know how to potty train your dog -- the easy way! If you follow these tips and tricks, you and your pup will be on the right track and fast.
It's tough at the beginning. Stick to a plan and don't change it or your dog will get confused and go back to square one.
Want to go beyond housebreaking? Contact us today and let's talk about training your dog!